August 18, 2008

Goodbye Summer!

I am soooo looking forward to fall. I think I'm officially done with summer. Done with dirty barefoot feet, sunscreen, and kids up at 5:30am just because the sun is up. Today was the perfect teaser for fall... cool and crisp, a few rain showers, a little sun. Tonight we have a fire burning in the living room (ok, in all honesty, we are about to open the doors because it's getting really hot in here), I'm having an absolutely lovely glass of red wine (a super juicy full Malbec from Argentenia), and we have our "fall" music playing (you've gotta love these: Beth Orton, Jamie Cullum, with a little Louis Armstrong thrown in for good flavor). Mark is tucking the kids in bed (after blow drying Malia's hair - what a good, good Dad!). Chances are we'll play a few rounds of Dominoes tonight, because that is our official "sport" of fall and we are pretending that she has arrived.

Other fall favorites:

  1. Walking Bainbridge Island, window shopping, kicking the leaves on the streets, stopping for hot apple cider and lemon bars
  2. New dark wash jeans, boot cut, with just a touch of stretch (nice & long of course), a cozy chunky knit sweater, & new fall foxy black boots with a great heel.
  3. Evenings at home with wine, a crackling fire & dominoes
  4. Children asleep by 8:00
  5. Rich pasta, soups, & more wine
  6. Our wedding anniversary (it's no accident that we got married in the late fall)
  7. Catching up on books - summer is just too busy to read all those books that are stacking up on my nightstand.
  8. Knitting - it's time to start knitting scarves!!!
So Goodbye, Summer! You've treated us well, but we're ready to say goodbye... Ciao!


Brandy said...

Oh how I miss the great NW. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons.

We our first cloudy day last week since we've been in San Diego. It really made me miss home. I love going out wearing sweaters, jeans and boots too. It's a good way for me to hide those imperfections.

The Braeden Bunch said...

Come on....Give each season it's full due! Just a few more weeks of Summer, (after all the Great NW did give us an awesome Summer this year), then you can have your Fall.

And you do make Fall sound oh so inviting!