August 05, 2008

Flowers & Love

Today Mark brought me a dozen gorgeous white roses - the same flowers that we had at our wedding and it got me thinking of our wedding and our vows. Just thought I'd post them because they make me happy.

"I take you, Leslie, to be my wife,
My partner in life and my true love.
I promise to love you unconditionally,
To be your best friend,
To respect and support you,
To be patient with you,
To work together to achieve our goals
And to dance with you when we are 100.
With this ring, I marry you
I am honored to be your husband."

"I take you Mark, to be my husband, my partner in life, and my true love.
I promise to trust you and respect you
Laugh with you and cry with you
I will support you, and love you unconditionally as we continue our life together.
I promise you my friendship, my heart, and my love from this day forward.
With this ring, I marry you
I am honored to be your wife"



Anonymous said...

That is very sweet can tell you are soooo in love with your hubby!!!