July 02, 2008

She likes strawberries!!!

SBK has not liked strawberries since she started eating... until tonight. Seriously, who doesn't like strawberries? I was slicing some tonight and did the old, "Open your mouth and close your eyes and you will get a big surprise!" I popped one in and she ATE it, so I popped anther one in. (The last few times I tried this she'd gag and spit it out)

Kaylie: "What is this?!? What is this?!?"
Me: "Do you like it?"
Kaylie: "Yes! What is it?"
Me: "Do you love it?"
Kaylie: "Yes! What is it?"
Me: "A berry"
Kaylie: "Mmmmmmm"
Me: "A STRAWBERRY! You ate a straaawwwberry and yooou liiiiiiked it!" Whaaa haaaa hhaaa (crazy lady laugh)
Kaylie: Silence...
Me: "Do you want another one?"
Kaylie: "Yes!"
Me: "So, you LIKE strawberries?"
Kaylie: "Yes!"