May 04, 2008

Please send help :-)

Late Friday night, Kaylie got sick. Not kind of sick - really sick. Barfing every 15 minutes kind of sick. Barfing until 5am kind of sick. Barfing in her bed, barfing in Malia's bed, barfing in MY bed kind of sick. Now, it's Sunday night and Mark has it, too. Currently, I'm watching "What Not to Wear" on TLC and they just made horrible fun of the woman with newborn spit up on her shirt. Can you imagine what they would say about me right now? I smell like puke. I don't have sweet newborn baby spit up on me, I have three year old girl carrots and chicken nugget VOMIT all over me. (OK, I have changed, but the smell and the vivid memory is still there.) SBK came down from her bedroom, (I was on the couch, just sitting down to eat my "poor me dinner" of an entire plate of French fries and a big old glass of cheap wine), she laid her head on my shoulder, snuggled her head into my neck, belched like a sailor (I would know), and threw up all over me. Mark is currently curled up and sleeping on the living room floor, Kaylie is curled up sleeping on the non-barfed on couch, and I'm sitting here just hoping upon hope that we're done for the night. (Done washing the vom out of Kaylie's sweet curls, the dryer lint trap, and set after set of sheets.) Hope that my wonderful man and baby girl feel better, and (in all honesty) that I don't get it.


Mark & Leslie said...

thank you for taking good care if me. I hope you don't get it too. I also hope that by morning, I can keep a beverage in me.

143 fm

Brandy said...


Like Kaitelyn would say, "Ewwwww....Gross". You poor thing :-(
Thank you for experience, I know I will be in the same situation some day soon.

Brandy said...

oops. I meant to say, Thank you for sharing your experience"