May 26, 2008

The OC, Baby

Mark and I spent 4 days in Newport Beach, CA last week BY OURSELVES! We had a great time, even though the weather did not cooperate. I went with visions of sitting at the beach or pool with my books, soaking up the sun, drinking fruity drinks and just relaxing. It rained, it hailed so much the local kids used their boogie boards as sleds, and there were three tornadoes while we were there (in the same county, but not directly where we were). We did have about a day and a half of good weather and we went to the beach, Balboa Island, did some great shopping and walked until we were about to drop. We tried our hardest to sleep in, but were still up by 6:00 every morning. We ate great food and had some really good wine. Funny how we easily take 200 pictures on a weekend at home playing outside, but on our entire trip to California, we only took 41 pictures. Here are the highlights:

The hotel pool


Us again...

And more of us... (if you don't already know the story of our self portraits, just ask. We literally have hundreds and hundreds of them. Some may say they all look the same with just a different background, but we love them!)

This is the great little ferry we took as we pulled into Balboa. It held three cars & cost $2.00 to drive on, $1.00 to walk on.

The Pacific Ocean, California style


Lisa & Marty said...

It looks like you & Mark had a real nice holiday in the O.C.
Good times! Lisa