May 12, 2008

Mother's Day & More

We had a great Mother's Day this year and celebrated all of our family moms: Judith, Linda, Melinda, April, Nicki, Camerin... and me! The monkeys made me a wonderful breakfast in bed and gave me wonderful flowers and planters. Thanks, wonderful Monkeys and wonderful Monkey Dad! You're the best!

My beautiful family!Malia and Avery "rowing" in Polly - our new rowboat thanks to Mom and Dad! Polly will be much loved and appreciated especially since our last rowboat was stolen from the beach over the winter.
Me, Mom, & Cam

Kaylie tormenting Joshua

We put a squirrel feeder out about a year and a half ago. They just found it last week!

The fog came to Dyes Inlet.. I think this was last weekend.

Mark and Kay napping in the hammock

Malia's tooth came out on Saturday - she was so proud and the tooth fairy left her $2.00 and a little note. Messy fairy though... she left fairy dust all over Malia's bed!

Gorgeous Malia and her Grandpa Ken (Mark's dad)


Lisa & Marty said...

I Love the pictures of the three Gibb ladies; you are all so very pretty. A little family resemblance ya think? XOXOOXO Lisa