April 23, 2008

Last Weekend

Malia with our little cousin Kalina who was visiting from Switzerland. The girls had so much fun together - seemed like they've known each other forever!

Isn't it amazing how much she looks like Kaylie?

BFF Lisa

We celebrated Lisa's birthday with a yummy dinner and even yummier wine! Happy Birthday Sistah! I love you!! (See her blog for more pictures)

Paxton after the biggest bubble of the night popped. (Sorry Pax, I didn't mean to pop it!) :-)


Malo said...

Kalina huh? For a second, I thought you straightened Kaylie's hair!

Lisa & Marty said...

Love you too Sistah! You throw a great party!X0X0X0X000XX0X0X0X0X0X0X00X0X0X0X0000X Lisa