So, bear with me... this post may be a little random. When Holly Funk and I were little (I'd say 7th or 8th grade), we would spend time on Camano Island at her family's beach house. Her little cousin Liz Weber would often be there too. We'd spend lazy summer days floating on air mattresses in the Sound. (This is where Liz comes into the story). Liz, being several years younger than us thought that we were the cool (duh!) older kids. We knew about the important stuff like Adam Ant, shiny eyeshadow, and Aqua Net Extra Super Hold. Liz liked to hang out with us and she was pretty cool so we let her. She also liked flowered panties: hence the nickname "Flower Panty Girl". So, there we would be, floating on our air mattresses and letting Liz hang out with us. Her job would be to keep our air mattresses facing the sun so that we could get the best tan possible. If we started to float off course, Holly or I would simply yell, "Liz - Sun!!" and she would push us back to the right angle. This was easy for her because while Holly and I were happily floating on our air mattresses, Liz would be standing waist (shoulder?) deep in the water with one hand on each of our mattresses to keep us steady. Man, that was the life.
** Not so bad after all - many, many days of trying to get Kaylie to wear panties went nowhere. She would cry and kick and yell and tears would spurt out of her eyes as she begged to not wear panties. I finally put my foot down and said, "TOMORROW YOU WILL WEAR PANTIES!" She promised. We wrote it down on paper: "Kaylie is going to wear panties on Monday. She promised". She signed it. Mark and I signed it as witnesses, and she's been wearing panties ever since. This is the sign - you can tell how thrilled she is:

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