September 23, 2008

A Pear Mystery - Reward Offered!

Those of you who know us well have surely been given a bag of pears lately. Or maybe we forced them upon you, but in either case, we had more pears than we could eat. We finally gave away just enough so that we were left with a manageable sized bag. Our bag of well loved, perfectly peary pears lived on our front porch (sounds tacky, I know, but they were happy there - continuing to ripen in the fresh air and being outside meant that the fruit flies weren't in my kitchen.) So here we are... loving our delicious pears, the pears we kept for ourselves, the pears that we harvested with our own hands and guess what... today we came home from work and our bag of pears was gone. Just like that - gone. All that fiber, all that pear goodness, just gone. And really, it's not that the pears were taken that bothers me - I would have given them to anyone who asked. The fact that someone was on our front porch while we were gone is what bothers me. Weird, huh? Do you know anything about the case of the missing pears?


The Braeden Bunch said...

This could be a case for crime stoppers! Have you had CSI Silverdale do any fingerprinting? I think they're your best hope! LOL

Unknown said...

I admit it - I took the ferry and absconded with your pears...! Camerin