September 17, 2008

Malia's 9th Birthday

We celebrated Malia's 9th birthday with a Barbie Princess party complete with Barbie Cupcakes, an ice cream sundae bar and a pinata. What more could a girl ask for - friends, family, sunshine, sugar, & Barbie... a perfect day! Malia was completely spoiled with amazing gifts of a Nintendo DS, an American Girl doll and book set, Webkins, clothes, gift certificates, art supplies... and much much more. She is one loved girl!

It was a full house
Some of the men folk

The birthday girl and BFC (best friend Cousin) Avery

Another guest of honor

Uncle Keith got a little carried away with the whipping cream. Mark thought we should offer a prize to the person who comes up with the best comment for this picture.

Chris & Josh

The pinata line up. Braeden got the first whack... Chris got the whack that brought the whole thing down.

Marty found other uses for the smashed pieces of pinata. I think I'll forward this one to the school board!

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Nicki - my wonderful parents!

Malia and Kari

Braeden always loves a party