February 04, 2008

Kaylie's Third Birthday (Part 1)

On February 11th, Kaylie will turn three. I absolutely cannot believe my baby girl is growing up so fast. While her birthday party is actually next Sunday, we celebrated with my family over the weekend because my sister will be out of town next week and my parents are getting ready to move in to their new house (see post below!). Kaylie had a great time and loved being the star of the show. He cake, by request, was a blue and green Winnie the Pooh cake. The Lashley's gave her some wonderful books and my parents gave her some kitty rain boots, play dough, and a great outfit.

Me and Hillary Clinton
Avery in action
This is my 5th grade picture. Avery said that she thought the picture was of "an ugly boy in a wig" and wanted to know why I was wearing such an ugly dress. Spoken like a true Lashley.



Jason, Heather and Amelia Mayer said...

Love the pictures...Leslie... you look awesome... I love the picture of you as a kid. Kaylie is so funny! Do you think she enjoys her Birthday!