February 15, 2008

Kaylie Turns Three!

Our baby is officially three years old! She had a fun party, lots of wonderful friends, family, and gifts. Our girl is sure loved! She had her 3-year doctors check up yesterday and is doing great. Official stats: 32 lbs (75th percentile) and 39.5" tall (95th percentile). She is tall and thin - just like she was when she was born. Seems like just yesterday - no, actually it seems like a lifetime ago! xxoo to all!
Just like anyone, Kaylie knows that the best way to get rid of pre-party jitters is a good old fashioned nakey dance. You go girl!

Before CakeDuring cakeMaybe too much cake
Grammy (Mark's mom) and SBK (Sweet baby Kay)

Boy Baby Braeden is growing up fast! Check out his new blog! http://thebraedenbunch.blogspot.com.

Chris Lewis... always curious!

Aunties Mindy & April - Braeden's mommas!