February 29, 2008

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...

On Sunday I will be having another birthday - and this is kind of how I'm feeling about it. On one hand I'm so happy and blessed - wonderful family, great friends, happy home, good health, etc., that how can I complain? But really... another year older? Do we really need to keep track? (That said, my sister turns FORTY at the end of March and Lisa turns THIRTY EIGHT in April - so that makes me feel somewhat better - and younger!!!). Anyway, next time you see me, please take a moment to tell me how youthful I look. Thanks.

This was my pre-school picture. I don't know for sure why I was crying, but I vaguely remember being afraid of the camera man, but still trying my hardest to smile. A true Gibb classic! Wait a minute.... is this the same haircut that I have right now?!?!

Playing at the beach

Super Josh!

Mount Rainier - fondly referred to as "our mountain" - showed her pretty face while we played at the beach.

Appropriate beach attire - purple ponchos and pink kitty boots!

Three monkeys looking at a crab.

And one crab looking at three monkeys

February 21, 2008

The Lunar Eclipse - Feb. 20th

The view of the eclipse from our house... as requested by Shirley Hoyt of Hillsboro, Oregon. Hi Shirley - we miss you! When will we see you again?

Johnathan flying in for his morning breakfast of pretzels.

February 20, 2008

The most beautiful girl in the world

February 19, 2008

Weekend at Camano

We went for our first visit to my parent's new house on Camano Island. The house was beautiful, the beach fantastic, and the weather was great. We walked the beach mud, which was wonderful - we can't wait to go back in the summer and squish warm mud between our toes. We played Perudo - a dice game from Peru that really doesn't make any sense, ate some pizza, and just watched the tide come in and go out...and out... and out.

Mom, Dad, and SBK. The light colored house behind them is theirs!

Kisses for Dad

Kaylie's boots got stuck in the mud. She couldn't move...

And she didn't like it.

Me and my girl

Mark tried to sneak up on four bald eagles on a log... several times.

My pretty momma!
The drifting wood in their front yard.

February 15, 2008

Kaylie Turns Three!

Our baby is officially three years old! She had a fun party, lots of wonderful friends, family, and gifts. Our girl is sure loved! She had her 3-year doctors check up yesterday and is doing great. Official stats: 32 lbs (75th percentile) and 39.5" tall (95th percentile). She is tall and thin - just like she was when she was born. Seems like just yesterday - no, actually it seems like a lifetime ago! xxoo to all!
Just like anyone, Kaylie knows that the best way to get rid of pre-party jitters is a good old fashioned nakey dance. You go girl!

Before CakeDuring cakeMaybe too much cake
Grammy (Mark's mom) and SBK (Sweet baby Kay)

Boy Baby Braeden is growing up fast! Check out his new blog! http://thebraedenbunch.blogspot.com.

Chris Lewis... always curious!

Aunties Mindy & April - Braeden's mommas!

February 04, 2008

Kaylie's Third Birthday (Part 1)

On February 11th, Kaylie will turn three. I absolutely cannot believe my baby girl is growing up so fast. While her birthday party is actually next Sunday, we celebrated with my family over the weekend because my sister will be out of town next week and my parents are getting ready to move in to their new house (see post below!). Kaylie had a great time and loved being the star of the show. He cake, by request, was a blue and green Winnie the Pooh cake. The Lashley's gave her some wonderful books and my parents gave her some kitty rain boots, play dough, and a great outfit.

Me and Hillary Clinton
Avery in action
This is my 5th grade picture. Avery said that she thought the picture was of "an ugly boy in a wig" and wanted to know why I was wearing such an ugly dress. Spoken like a true Lashley.


Malia's was in her class play about exchange students and cultural traditions last week. She played the role of Lucia from Italy and we're expecting to hear of her Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Actor any minute now.
Joanna - Johnathan's seagull girlfriend. We're still working on a good picture of Johnathan.
