January 21, 2009

Twinkle the Toothfairy

Kaylie's new dentist is Dr. Jessie Banks (www.kitsapkidsdentistry.com) and K is not at all looking forward to her upcoming appointment. I got online to show Kaylie the offices and a picture of Dr. Banks and we found that Twinkle the Tooth Fairy also works for Dr. Banks. There is even a link for people to email Twinkle. So last night K and I sent her an email.

"Hi Twinkle,
My name is Kaylie Hughes and I'm about to turn 4 years old. My first appointment with Dr. Banks in on February 5th and I'm a little bit nervous. My big sister has lost seven teeth and when you come to our house, we like the special notes & fairy dust that you leave by the window. I can't wait until I can lose a tooth so you can visit me too. My big sister said to tell you, "Hi and thank you for leaving money under my pillow for me, and for leaving me my tooth, too"

Kaylie Hughes

Ps: My Mommy helped me type this!"

And guess what?!?! Today she got an email back!

Dear Kaylie,
Thank you for your wonderful letter. Sparkly teeth make me so happy! I'm excited that you are going to see my friend Dr. Banks. She is very nice! When you go to see Dr. Banks she will have her friends tickle your teeth to make them super sparkly! You will also get a new toothbrush and a prize! Please tell your big sister that I said hi and to keep up the good work wiggling out her teeth! I'm looking forward to visiting you when you lose your first tooth!


How cute is that!?!? And this is an actual picture of her - it's from their website!