Kaylie's new dentist is Dr. Jessie Banks (www.kitsapkidsdentistry.com) and K is not at all looking forward to her upcoming appointment. I got online to show Kaylie the offices and a picture of Dr. Banks and we found that Twinkle the Tooth Fairy also works for Dr. Banks. There is even a link for people to email Twinkle. So last night K and I sent her an email.
"Hi Twinkle,
My name is Kaylie Hughes and I'm about to turn 4 years old. My first appointment with Dr. Banks in on February 5th and I'm a little bit nervous. My big sister has lost seven teeth and when you come to our house, we like the special notes & fairy dust that you leave by the window. I can't wait until I can lose a tooth so you can visit me too. My big sister said to tell you, "Hi and thank you for leaving money under my pillow for me, and for leaving me my tooth, too"
Kaylie Hughes
Ps: My Mommy helped me type this!"
And guess what?!?! Today she got an email back!
Dear Kaylie,
Thank you for your wonderful letter. Sparkly teeth make me so happy! I'm excited that you are going to see my friend Dr. Banks. She is very nice! When you go to see Dr. Banks she will have her friends tickle your teeth to make them super sparkly! You will also get a new toothbrush and a prize! Please tell your big sister that I said hi and to keep up the good work wiggling out her teeth! I'm looking forward to visiting you when you lose your first tooth!
How cute is that!?!? And this is an actual picture of her - it's from their website!
January 21, 2009
Twinkle the Toothfairy
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Out of the mouths of babes
Earlier this week I was getting dressed and Kaylie asked why I wear a bra. My reply was "to keep my privates covered".
I thought that answer satisfied her, but should have known better. She paused for only a second before saying "And to keep your breasteses from wobbling all around?"
Then I heard Mark cracking up from the other room.
Seriously? WOBBLING?!?!?
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 8:04 PM 2 comments
January 18, 2009
Field Trip with April & Braeden
On Thursday, Kaylie and I went on a field trip to the Poulsbo Marine Science Center. We started with pizza slices at Central Market (they have the best, chewiest crust!), the Science Center, then the park to play. A fun day with Auntie April & Cousin Braeden. Can't wait for our next adventure!Kaylie is watching Sam the octopus. He was amazing. The workers fed him a crab while we were there, which was really something to see. The science center will release Sam into the Puget Sound soon, before he gets too big. YIKES! I had NO idea things like this were around here - and this isn't big yet?!?
This was our last cousin outing - walking the Clear Creek Trails in the cold.
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 8:36 AM 2 comments
Three Little Hughesies
Some recent poodle pictures. Funny how first the kids were "monkeys", then "poodles". We now transitioning to "squirrels". Aren't they beautiful? :-)
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 8:34 AM 0 comments
January 07, 2009
Kaylie's 1st Day of Preschool
Today was Kaylie's very first day of preschool! She was supposed to start last Monday, but that day was canceled due to snow, creating much disappointment! She's been so excited to go to school. As soon as we pulled up to her school (Sylvan Way Preschool), she said, "This looks like fun, Mommy!" When we went into her class, she met her teacher, Miss Julie, and went right to playing. No nerves, no tears, no nothing - just ready to go. I managed to hold back the tears until I drove away. I am so proud of my girl - she is so independent and brave and strong!
When I picked her up after school, she was so excited. She said they had so much fun, had crackers and orange juice for a snack, had circle time while sitting criss-cross applesauce, and played. She said she couldn't wait to go back. Yay!
Josh always says that the his favorite part of school is recess, because that's when it's the most fun. When Jessica asked Kaylie today if she had recess, Kaylie replied, "the whole thing was recess". My girl rocked pre-school! Wahooooo!Stinker wouldn't let me take a before school picture, this is the best I could get. It does, however show her cute outfit and new haircut, which I cut again on Sunday night. Isn't she just too much?
I took this picture in her classroom before I left. (Yes, I was that mom - the crazy one with the camera, trying not to cry) She jumped right into playing and having fun. That's my girl!
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Joshua's 7th Birthday
Monday January 5th was Joshua's 7th birthday! We celebrated by going to Chuck E. Cheese with the Neyman's and the Lewis'. We'll have cake and ice cream with the family this weekend.Opening presents from us before heading out. Theme of the year? Starwars, Indiana Jones, and of course, new underwear.
Chuck E. Cheese has a dance area that projects the kids up to huge TV screens; they can see themselves dancing. No shy kids in this group! It was like watching Solid Gold!
BFF's Josh and Chris
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 8:06 PM 0 comments
January 04, 2009
More Snow
We sure weren't expecting more snow tonight, but surprise! Kaylie was excited to go outside and play in it so Mark, being the super dad that he is, plugged in the shop light out in the yard and out they went. This is what they built. How did I ever end up with such an amazing family? Just look at those smiles!
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 7:01 PM 0 comments
January 01, 2009
Welcoming 2009
We had a fairly quiet New Years Eve this year. The Neyman's came over, we grilled cheeseburgers, played a some games, enjoyed some wine, and rang in the new year by banging pots and pans on the porch and watching the fire works. Neither Josh nor Kaylie made it until midnight (thank you!!!), but Malia, Avery, & Paxton were still going strong. Nice to ring in the new year safe and happy at home and with good friends! Happy New Year to all!
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 12:59 PM 0 comments