June 30, 2008

Our Happy Place - Camano with the whole family

We spent another great weekend up at my parent's house on Camano. The weather was hot, hot, hot (over 90) and when the tide came in over the hot sand, the water temp was 98 degrees. (No joke, we put a thermometer in it!) We spent a good part of the weekend wandering the beach, ate far too much yummy food, the gals hit the library book sale (score!!!) and we had a great time. There was far less mud than our previous trips, but Josh & the girls still managed to find it. Mom finally got her fire pit built, we managed NOT to get sunburned, and we can't wait to go back.

Austin running with the birds

Avery and Malia spent a good portion of the weekend creating "secret handshakes". One of the favorites was, "BFF, Cousins... Word!" They are inseparable when together - they had so much fun playing on the beach for hours at a time.

Josh in the sprinkler
Me and Kay doing our morning exercise of pull ups

Some people's idea of a good time on Camano consists of building a new fire pit

Mine consists of sun and a good magazine after a nice long float on the air mattress.

Kaylie made herself a "lolly" out of a pretzel and a grape. Inventive.

This wackadoo flew by several times. It was amazing to watch and he made the kid's day when he zoomed low and waved at them.

The girl plays hard, and sleeps hard. She slept in the yard for over 2-1/2 hours in the shade.


The Sanders said...

Hey, you're on my beach! I wish I were there with you. Looks wonderful. But can you walk across the bridge to Alabama?

Anonymous said...

Bravo, what words..., a brilliant idea

Anonymous said...

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

Anonymous said...

Between us speaking, try to look for the answer to your question in google.com