June 15, 2008

Father's Day with the Hughes'

We celebrated Father's Day with Mark's side of the family with an afternoon ice cream sundae party. It was a gorgeous sunny day and the sundaes were great. Josh said it best: "This is the best day of my life EVER!"

The manly Hughes men: Ken, Mark, Josh, & Braeden

Ken opening his gift of new work gloves

Ken and Mark

Vena and Kaylie - they kind of have the same hair in this picture, don't they?

Kaylie sporting Braeden's sunglasses

Vena and Malia

Momma April

Baby Braeden


Linda and her 4 grandmonkeys

The women and kids gathering around our new swing set. The kids are in heaven and have already said, "We'll never have to go to the park again!" I may hold them to that!

The Hughes/Hickey/Scriven women. Mindy wanted us to build a pyramid, April and I were pretty sure she's nuts.

Malia and Braeden hanging out in the hammock

April, Braeden, and Melinda. Braeden is going to be one on 6/23!