March 21, 2008

More progress

This was taken this morning. The grout is done, the hood/fan removed from above the stove (notice the nice green paint that was behind it), and Mark built us a windowsill - Dang, he's handy! Had the window measured to be replaced (of course it's an odd size - why can't anything in this old house of ours be a standard size?!?!), and am still looking for a stainless dishwasher. I can't wait to see how the room will open up once the cabinets above the stove are gone. Maybe this weekend?

This was last weekend. We walked into the kitchen and found Kaylie "helping". Why yes, she is whacking things with a hammer. She climbed in through the bottom drawer opening.

Kaylie's new use for Pull-Up's.



The Braeden Bunch said...

Exciting! How did the wet saw work out? Looks great you guys.