January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

On January 12th ,we had Joshua's SIXTH birthday party at our house. The guest list was the usual mix of family and friends, the requested cake was lemon with chocolate frosting with Cars characters, and much fun was had by all (especially Josh!) He received many wonderful gifts; a fully loaded Ninteno DS, lots of transformers, new swim trunks, a Toys R Us gift card, a pirate set, remote control car, and (of course) new underwear. Happy Birthday, Josh! We love you!

This picture was taken after some serious cosmetic work - Josh's darling little sister decided to help herself to a bit of cake right before the party. That's Lightening McQueen & Sally on the cake, for those who aren't in the know. :-)

Grammy, Cousin Braeden, & Kay

Joshua's favorite person in the world - Austin!

The opening of the presents.