January 25, 2008

Spanish Dinner with the Wine Group

On Saturday the 19th, our Wine Group had a Spanish dinner hosted by Courtenay & Phil Havers. It was a great night full of amazing food, delicious wines, and great friends.

The courses: Avocado & Shrimp in phyllo from Marquell, Black Bean Soup from Amy, Paella from Sara, palate cleansers, Roasted Pork with cherries, apricots, & onions from Courtenay, a cheese course of with Manchego cheeses and quince paste, and I made dessert: chocolate cappuccino cake & homemade ice cream.

The only downside was the stomach bug that was making people drop like flies (it wasn't our cooking, I swear!) Dave went home about 1/2 hour into the night, followed by Amy about an hour later. Marquell was next to get sick later in the evening, and Courtenay got it the next day. At last report, everyone was feeling better. We can't wait to do it again (the dinner and wine, not the barfing!!)
Sara, Amy & Courtenay
Sara's Paella
Amy & Dave
Sara and Chris
Phil & Courtenay
Mike and Marquell

January 22, 2008

My parent's new house!

My parents just bought this house on Camano Island. They are soooo excited. My mom spent summers on Camano while growing up, so I know it's very special to her. They will still live in their Edmonds home during the week and spend weekends on Camano until they retire. Isn't it gorgeous?

January 21, 2008

Kaylie Enjoying her Dinner

Kaylie is one of the best eating kids I know. She will eat anything, and usually loves it. (She not only ate, but LIKED the aspic on Christmas Eve this year!!). Some of her favorites are clams, goldfish crackers dipped in pesto, horseradish on her breakfast sandwiches, and unfortunately coffee & wine. (Nobody's glass is safe). Part of the fun is watching her eat. It's always a mess, but always wonderful.
She finished her milk and went for the water bottle on the table

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

On January 12th ,we had Joshua's SIXTH birthday party at our house. The guest list was the usual mix of family and friends, the requested cake was lemon with chocolate frosting with Cars characters, and much fun was had by all (especially Josh!) He received many wonderful gifts; a fully loaded Ninteno DS, lots of transformers, new swim trunks, a Toys R Us gift card, a pirate set, remote control car, and (of course) new underwear. Happy Birthday, Josh! We love you!

This picture was taken after some serious cosmetic work - Josh's darling little sister decided to help herself to a bit of cake right before the party. That's Lightening McQueen & Sally on the cake, for those who aren't in the know. :-)

Grammy, Cousin Braeden, & Kay

Joshua's favorite person in the world - Austin!

The opening of the presents.

January 14, 2008


This year Malia entered the Reflections Art contest, where kids of all ages submit artwork that shows how they can make a difference in the world. Malia drew a picture about collecting change to donate to families who lost their homes in the California wildfires this year. (That's her picture with the red ribbon) The art show and awards ceremony was Friday night, and MALIA WON SECOND PLACE! We are all so proud of her and now her entry will now move on to the state competition. You go girl!

January 07, 2008

Arts & Crafts with My Girl

Today Kay and I did some art projects. We drew a lot of pictues, did some coloring, and played with play dough. Good times, good times.

This is the lunch we made for Dad out of play dough. A carrot, apple, grapes, bowl of blueberries & a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Mark came home for lunch and Kaylie got crazy upset when I told him to eat his lunch and she started yelling, "NOOOOOO! WE CAN'T EAT PLAY DOUGH, MOMMY!!!! Smart girl. Everyone knows paste tastes better.

Marquell's Birthday Party

On Saturday the 5th we celebrated Marquell's birthday. First person to correctly tell me how old she turned wins a prize!

Kaylie getting ready for the party!

Marty, John, Mark, Summer (Marquell's sister), The Birthday Girl, & Lisa... at the start of a fun night.

I came out of cake retirement to make Marquell's cake; chocolate, chocolate, & more chocolate.

There was some fine karaoke...

And some not so fine karaoke!

Until Mark just couldn't take any more. * Let's note that it was Mike and Marquell doing a Lionel Richie duet that lulled Marky Mark into this slumber *

Me and Lisa

And us!

Gabe and Chris gave one of their stick bugs to Paxton.

January 02, 2008

Christmas Thank Yous

Every year we take a nice picture of all three kids and make it into thank-you cards for all of the wonderful Christmas gifts we received. So far this year, we have taken 88 pictures of the three kids (that is the actual number - I'm not exaggerating). Of the 88 pictures, there is not ONE with all three kids looking at the camera and smiling. This picture is a fine example of what we've come up with so far - Malia smiling happily, Josh in his own world and Kaylie showing her true fiesty-girl colors. My other favorite is Malia smiling perfectly, Josh pretending to be asleep, and Kaylie standing on her head on the couch next to them. Maybe in the next 88 there will be a good one. All I know is that I would rather kill myself than be a child photographer.

Merry Christmas!

Sweet Baby Kay opening gifts at my parent's house on Christmas Eve. We had a wonderful Christmas and will post more pictures soon!