November 21, 2007

What's New...

Our camera is broken. We are so sad. Someone (who shall remain un-named) implied that perhaps Mark broke it so that he can finally get that new fancy camera that he's had his eye on. Hmmmm.... it does seem a little suspicious. Now that I think of it, he did have a little glimmer in his eye when he casually suggested picking up a new camera at the after Thanksgiving sales...

Speaking of after Thanksgiving sales, here is an example of how awesome Mark is. The other day I told him that we would be hitting Kohl's for the 4am opening, Fred Meyer (1/2 price socks, baby!!!) at 5am and Target at 6am. After the briefest of pauses he just smiled at me and said, "Ok. Are we bringing Kay?" What a man!!! (I was kidding by the way. I don't care to do anything at 4am except sleep.)

Anyway, life has been H E C T I C ! We moved back home on Sunday to absolutely gorgeous new floors. We couldn't be happier with them. (Thank you, Clay Branes; Clay's Hardwood Floor Service!) Mark has been madly working at replacing the trim on the entire main floor. It's almost done and looks great. We are still cleaning sawdust out of the house daily.

Thanksgiving will be held at our house for the first time. I think this officially means we're grown ups. We'll have 11 people - wish us luck!

Love to all! Happy Thanksgiving!


Lisa & Marty said...

Hey! I didn't suggest that Mark broke it on purpose; I merely commented that perhaps he was happy that it broke...