December 29, 2008

Christmas Day

The stockings & presents that Santa left for the monkeys. Looks like they were good this year, after all!

Santa brought Kaylie the Abby Cadabby doll that she wanted

He left Joshua a Star Wars Transformers kit

And for Malia, a Vet kit with a puppy

Here Malia is checking out the crumbs that Santa left. This year when the kids visited Santa, Malia asked him what he'd like us to leave out for him and he requested sugar cookies and milk. We also left carrots for the reindeer. We figured Santa must eat in a hurry so that he can get all the presents delivered - he seems to be a messy eater.

It's become tradition to open stockings and see what Santa brought, then take a coffee / hot chocolate break before opening any other presents. This was especially necessary when the kids would wake up at 5:30 to open presents. This year, the little darlings slept until 7:40. (Although Kaylie did come down at 4:30 to see if Santa had come yet )

Linda with her new towels

Marky Mark

Baby Braeden ... I just love this picture.

Kaylie showing off the new leg warmers that Auntie Mindy knit for her. Toooo cute!

Mark and his dad

Malia modeling the scarf that Auntie Mindy knit.

Baby Braeden giving Kaylie some cousin love.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight...

Christmas Eve

We had another wonderful Christmas Eve at my mom & dad's house in Edmonds. I think this could be my favorite night of the year!

If you remember one of the posts this summer, it had my mom's cows from Camano and these are some pictures from that weekend. The biggest one is a water color done by the one and only Shirley Hoyt of Hillsboro Oregon (also known as Lisa's mom). She asked if she could paint the cows and it turned out beautifully! I was so happy to be able to give it to my mom for Christmas! (Thank you, Shirley - you're the best!!)

Camerin & Keith

The special feather angel ornament that each of the Gibb girls has on our tree. This one is mom's.

Kaylie and her favorite person on earth - her Auntie Camerin!

The men & boys

And the women... the girls were too busy playing

Uncle Keith, doing what he does best.

The hummingbird out the kitchen window

December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

December 21, 2008

Winter Wonderland!

We have so much snow, and it's still falling! This afternoon Mark, Kaylie, and I made this igloo in the yard. So cold, so fun!

The eagles seems to be loving the snow. We've seen several today.

Mark and K in the igloo

K peeking out the igloo window

Marky Mark snacking on an icicle

The kids swinging in the snow

December 15, 2008

Miscellaneous Winter

Heading out to see Jessica's singing performance. She was amazing!

Kaylie's new haircut. She's got some wild curls back again now that it's shorter!

Johnathan blowing in the wind.

Kaylie and Mark's first snowman of the year. Isn't he cute?

Pretty fountain picture that Mark took

This is the SUNRISE - yes, they were playing out in the snow THAT early! :-)

K's snow angel

December 13, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Hughes

The Newest Hughes Mac Geek

The Tree - she's a beauty!

We love Dad!

Monkeys Gone Wild