October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Weekend on Camano

Last weekend we had our annual Gibb/Lashley/Hughes Pumpkin Weekend. This year we spent the weekend at my parent's house on Camano. We had amazing weather (Mom claims it's ALWAYS sunny on Camano), played cards, went to the pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins (barefoot, outside in the sun - so strange for Washington weather!), had s'mores in the fire pit the boys made this summer, launched apples into the bay via slingshot (and almost launched Josh), played at the beach, and had one of the best costume debuts ever. It was a great weekend!

Another great costume debut!

Cousin Bailey

Three little Hughespoodles sitting on a tree...


The cousins

This is what we look like after a long day of kids and pumpkin carving...

Kaylie likes her marshmallows raw - on the stick, but no need to put them near the fire

Malia likes her roasted to a "dark white" with chocolate, no graham crackers

Josh likes his quick charred - just blow the flames out and eat!

Can you believe that this is how we carved our pumpkins? Looks more like summer!

SBK got into my purse and found my glasses and my gum. Can't you just see her as a teenager here? Y I K E S ! !

October 12, 2008

Marky Mark's Birthday Weekend

Mark turned 36 today, October 12th. We celebrated with a dinner party on Saturday with some of our favorite people in the world, then cake and ice cream with the Hughes clan on Sunday. Two cakes in two days... you can't beat that! Happy Birthday, Love!

What do you think he wished for?

Kaylie and "Uncle Crabby", who Kaylie told me today is "the oldest uncle!"

Mr. and Mrs. Lashley

Mark and his monkeys, waving the birthday pennant that Malia made. Malia wrote Mark a poem that said in part, "Columbus Day may be tomorrow, but you're more important than Columbus will ever be!"

Josh raking the yard (really, this isn't child labor - this was the only pile he raked!)


The future ballerina (this is what we get when Kaylie picks out her "party clothes")

Baby Braeden is hardly a baby anymore!

Melinda, Ken & Mark

Josh and Baby Braeden cuddling in the yard

SBK at the end of the weekend, fresh out of the bath and ready for bed

Jammies and books in front of the fire... a perfect way to end the weekend. We wore SBK out this weekend, she was asleep by 6:30! Goodnight!

October 06, 2008


Three Little Hughesies

Sometimes, at the end of a long day, when nobody is looking, Josh and Kaylie stop picking on each other long enough to remember how much they really do love each other.

Our girl has a problem - and it's called Cheetos. Yes, she is actually sleeping, still orange faced & fingered, and not letting go of the bag. She is my daughter, isn't she?

Beautiful Malia

And just because... another self portrait.

My girl - what a ham!

Kaylie's eyes are getting greener and greener - just like both of her Grandpas!

New Addictions

It's funny because I always thought that Mark was the computer uber dork in the family. Turns out it may be me. I am newly, totally, addicted to Twitter and Facebook. I am spending far too much time on the internet, learning far too much about others, and enjoying it far too much. Let me know if you're on either! xoxo