December 11, 2007

Getting Ready for Christmas

On December 1st we went on our annual Christmas tree outing with the Lashleys. It was a cooold snowy day. We went to Kuhney's Tree Farm in Seabeck - a very snowy, slick, steep drive made for excitement on the way. We had a great time (except maybe Austin. Helllloooo teenager!)

The next day we played in the snow and had great fun until the rain came (see the next post for the flood!)
This could be one of my favorite pictures in a long time. Josh giving the snow man a kiss. He really is THAT sweet of a guy! She really is a beauty. This picture doesnt do her justice. :-)


Lisa & Marty said...

Yes, your tree is very impressive this year. I don't see any Chuck Brown ornaments?!?!?!?