October 17, 2007

What happens when Kaylie is left alone for 5 minutes...

Dominos, goldfish crackers, playing cards, paper towels... why is she sitting in the garbage can? And where did the garbage go?!?


Sara said...

Oh my god, this reminds me of my sister. When she was about two, mom turned her back to answer the phone while she was making cookies. By the time she got back to the kitchen, Megan had added the WHOLE BOX of powdered sugar and stirred enough that there was powdered sugar EVERYWHERE. Mom just quietly picked up the camera and snapped what became a classic Megan photo... she, in her yellow footie pajamas, standing on the kitchen chair above a bowl overflowing with powdered sugar, covered from head to toe!

Damn in, my sister is the perfect blonde for your crowd. Sometime you'll have to meet her, but promise me that you won't trade me in for hre just because she's hipper and more attractive.