September 12, 2007

Malia's 8th birthday!

Malia turned 8 on September 12th! We had a fun night - all of Malia's choosing:

The Presents: several books, shoes, a Bratz Pixie doll, jewelery, a purse, and in traditional Gibb fashion: new underwear.

The Chosen Dinner: chicken nuggets, cheddar cheese, potato chips, & milk.

The Chosen Dessert: Coldstone Creamery where Malia chose lemon sorbet with gummy bears and white chocolate chips. Josh had Blue Cotton Candy ice cream with Oreos. Kaylie also had the cotton candy/oreo combo, but also added m&ms. I get a stomach ache just thinking about it.

The Chosen Activity: The park. We played until it got dark, swinging, jumping off the "big rock", and riding the see-saw (be sure to check out the video!)

Happy Birthday, little girl! We love you!


Unknown said...

Sorry we missed your party Malia. We've got a big present waiting for you... xoxo Camerin

Malo said...

"Hello, my name is Leslie Hughes and I'm an addict."