September 29, 2007
Gabe & Chris' Birthday Party
lots of kids and met some very nice people.
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 4:58 PM 0 comments
September 28, 2007
Here we go
together. So far so good. (Paxton is hiding in the back seat. )
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Kaylie congratulating Cousin Derek on a fine win on the Wii!
Kay's new "funny face". You've got to see this in person - she is just too much!
Zzzzzzz... the girl needs a bigger bed!
Mark & Cousin Derek - Bellingham's finest!
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 11:12 AM 1 comments
Another house project
Last weekend we started another house project: the master bedroom/main hallway. New paint (goodbye, red!), new trim, & pulled out the carpet in preparation for having all of the harwood refinished in October. Kay had a great time with the tools. We were relieved when Grammy showed up and played with her outside for about 4 hours so we could get more done. Stay tuned for "after" pictures!
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Keith's Birthday Dinner
We went out with Camerin and Keith & Jill and John to celebrate Keith's birthday. We had dinner at the Boat Street Cafe; wonderful food, great wine, perfect company. Happy Birthday, Old Man! XXOO!
Leslie & Mark
Jill & Cam
John & Keith (a.k.a. "Little Spoon")
Mark's first bite of what quite possibly could be the perfect chocolate.
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 10:59 AM 0 comments
September 27, 2007
September 26, 2007
September 12, 2007
Malia's 8th birthday!
Malia turned 8 on September 12th! We had a fun night - all of Malia's choosing:
The Presents: several books, shoes, a Bratz Pixie doll, jewelery, a purse, and in traditional Gibb fashion: new underwear.
The Chosen Dinner: chicken nuggets, cheddar cheese, potato chips, & milk.
The Chosen Dessert: Coldstone Creamery where Malia chose lemon sorbet with gummy bears and white chocolate chips. Josh had Blue Cotton Candy ice cream with Oreos. Kaylie also had the cotton candy/oreo combo, but also added m&ms. I get a stomach ache just thinking about it.
The Chosen Activity: The park. We played until it got dark, swinging, jumping off the "big rock", and riding the see-saw (be sure to check out the video!)
Happy Birthday, little girl! We love you!
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 9:30 PM 2 comments
Labor Day Weekend '07
Saturday we went to Jenene & Craig's wedding in Olympia; a perfect day, family I haven't seen in years, and wedding vows said in Dr. Seuss rhymes... a great time! Kaylie was just enthralled with the nieces in their pink dresses - & she danced all night and stole fingers of wedding cake frosting with them.
After playing in the hotel pool and a great breakfast at the Spar Cafe (an old favorite of ours), we spent Sunday at the Harbor Days Festival in Olympia.
Monday was the Blackberry Festival in Bremerton where Kaylie rode her first real pony (very reluctantly), saw a magic show, and ate wonderful spicy Thai food and blackberry scones. That girl has good taste!
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 10:09 AM 2 comments
September 11, 2007
Day at the Pt. Defiance Zoo with the Lashleys - August '07
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 7:19 PM 1 comments
The Littlest Hughes
Braeden Quinn Hughes joined the family on June 23rd - to proud parents Melinda & April. He is amazingly wonderful - chubby and sweet. Josh can't wait for him to be able to "do something".
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Malia's 8th Birthday Party
On Sept. 8th, we celebrated Malia's 8th birthday with about 25 friends and family members. The kids had a fun time hitting a pinata (way to go, Gabe!), we grilled burgers & had mom's famous clam dip, and watched Malia open present after present... after present. (Weather Fairies books, jewelery, Littlest Pet Shop, a purple pegasus, clothes, makeup, books, etc. etc!) Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us!
Lessons learned: croquet mallet's make very, very bad pinata bats.
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 5:34 PM 0 comments
The Hide-a-Way, Crystal Mountain
Summer fun at the cabin - we spent 4 days playing at the river, hiking, roasting marshmallows, going on scavenger hunts, giving each other magic marker tattoos, and fighting off the mosquitoes. Thankfully, we made no journeys to the Enumclaw Emergency Dept on this trip!

Posted by Mark & Leslie at 4:25 PM 0 comments