April 20, 2009

Struck by LIghtening

Strangely, today was "Struck by Lightening Day" at Kaylie's school. Everyone was supposed to dress up as if they were struck by lightening. (Kind of sick, I know). This was supposed to be Wednesday, but then they realized that Wednesday was also class picture day, so they made a last minute switch. Can you imagine a picture of a room full of kids that look like this?

I think she looks a little more like a homeless child or street urchin than someone struck by lightening... but Kaylie thought it was hysterical.

Weekend in the Sun

Nothing says "spring in Seattle" like a swimsuit and rain boots. My girl has some serious style!

K still hangs out in Polly every chance she gets.

The girls coming up from the beach.

We celebrated Lisa's birthday with a dinner of grilled steaks (great job Marky Mark!), asparagus and red garlic mashed potatoes. Dessert was Tres Leche cake. Sinful and delish!!

Lisa and I did some kayaking (that's her new birthday kayak she's using!!)

Then the boys did some kayaking. Hey Marty - why is your shirt so wet? Neyman has not perfected the art of getting in to the kayak yet... splash!

Lis and I did what we do best... sat in the sun, enjoying wine, and laughing and laughing... and laughing. What a great weekend!

April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Josh made this egg bunny for Kaylie

My girl likes her Peeps!

You can see the little white Easter Bunny paw prints. He left a trail from the front door to Kaylie's Easter basked, which was hidden behind the curtains.

April 05, 2009

The Sun Came Out!!!

Heading out to Judy and Ken's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party

When Static Attacks...
Getting ready for the first kayak trip of the year

K got pooped out and needed a rest on the way back home
And she also needed to stop for an emergency potty break on the beach...

And at the end of the the gorgeous day, bbq with the Neymans. Lisa and I love to sit in the hammock and have some wine... Good times!