November 01, 2009
October 16, 2009
October 02, 2009
Josh Shoots Out His Tooth!
Josh has had a loose tooth for awhile. He knew that Malo had shot his tooth out with a Nerf gun awhile ago and has been very excited to try it. Well - tonight he got his chance, and he was impressive. Enjoy the video . . . .
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 8:24 PM 1 comments
September 07, 2009
First Solo Geocache
weekend. Up until now the well experienced Gibb team has been there to
lead the way. It was so much fun that we ended up doing two.
Posted by Mark & Leslie at 8:46 AM 0 comments
September 05, 2009
August 22, 2009
August 20, 2009
August 16, 2009
July 2009, in no particular order
This is Jessica, the best nanny ever! She is going to have her baby in September, so after 4-1/2 years, she is not taking care of Kaylie anymore. We miss her terribly, but are so very excited to meet her new baby! We love you, Jessica!!
Josh lost his first tooth this month. Way to go, Josh!
We went crabbing on Camano with Mom and Dad and had a great time - and LOTS of crab. De-lish!!
This is my new little sister, Izzy!
We got to go visit an alpaca farm. They were wonderful, soft animals.
Marky Mark on the wake board. He is AWESOME and I'm always impressed when I see him doing things like this!
And then me on water skis - not nearly as impressive, but so much fun!!!
Malia is kayaking on her own now. She's really good!
Kaylie kayaking (don't worry, she's in knee-deep water and I'm right behind her)
? Surprise about something...
Hanging out in the water with the Neymans, Smiths, and Walsh's. Good times!
From the front, to the left: Braeden (the only boy allowed on the girl raft!) and Melinda, Linda, Danielle, Lisa, me, Melissa, and Shirley. We had so much fun!
My wonderful husband!
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 7:58 AM 0 comments
July 06, 2009
Another day at the beach
The 5th of July started off as another sunny gorgeous day, so we decided to spend it at the beach. We all kayaked and the kids swam, we had a blast... until the winds rolled in and it got too rough to be on the water. All the kids are becoming excellent kayakers and they all love it. Yay!K's practice "kayak"
Me and Josh
Lisa going for a paddle
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Happy 4th of July!
We spent another 4th of July at home with the Neymans, Linda, and The McConaugheys. A great day of friends and family. We seem to have been blessed with the best of both!Pre-festivity picnic
Paxton, Carter (Paxton & Avery's cousin), Malia, Avery, Josh, & Kaylie
The dads (Mark & Marty) took the kids to the fireworks stand, which was MUCH anticipated. The kids all emptied their piggy banks in the morning and decided to spend all their money on fireworks. We decided $5.oo per kiddo was enough, much to their dismay. (No, Malia, you may not spend all $34.oo in your piggy bank on fireworks!) I was proud of them for all wanting to use their own money to buy some of the fireworks. Smoke bombs were the favorite - especially the purple & orange.
Fast forward a few hours... after Linda's famous lime jello shots... Lisa and I are dancing to Michael Jackson on the patio. Ok, I know this is not the best picture of me or Lisa, but check out Kaylie. Leopard swimsuit, hair flying, awesome dance moves - she just kill me, she's so much fun!
Mark was the awesome dad - doing fireworks with the kiddos. They couldn't wait until dark, so they started early at the beach.About 5 minutes into the fireworks, K fell asleep.
The Port Orchard fireworks
The kids running around with sparklers
Posted by Hughes Family 5 at 9:24 PM 0 comments