November 24, 2008

My Little Cheeseball

November 23, 2008

Cabin Weekend

Mark, Kaylie and I spent the weekend up at the Hide-A-Way at Crystal Mountain (Thanks, Cam!) We had a great time: lots of R &R, tortilla soup, wine, & walks. We drove up to the ski lodge to play in the snow, & Kaylie just loved it. On the way up, she told us that she knew what snow was, but wasn't sure if she could remember playing in it. She made a snow angel, rolled around, and ate a LOT of snow. We explored down at the river, crunched the ice, and hurried back to the cabin to warm up.
Mark & Kaylie's snow angels!

Thumbs up!

It was sooo icy cold!
Day One:
12:30 Arrived at cabin - it is @#&*! C O L D up here! Fire started, heat on, unpacked
1:00 Cookie, cashew, & milk break
1:20 Vacuum cookie & cashew crumbs
1:30 Listening to Kaylie sing Jingle Bells. Happy!
1:35 Freezing & still wearing coat, sweater, & scarf.
1:45 Mark is channelling Camerin by sweeping cobwebs off the ceiling
1:46 Finally warm enough to take off coat
2:00 Wishing for snow!
2:18 In my happy place - cooking Tortilla soup, listening to music, enjoying a glass of wine
2:25 Not loving the old school garlic press
3:00 Kaylie is loving playing with marbles; sad we can't find "Kiki's Delivery Service"
5:00 Dinner guests!! Chance meeting with Chris & Laura who spent the day hiking at Crystal.
8:00 Catching up on reading & shows in front of the fire; K tucked in and sleeping.
Fell asleep on the couch, we headed up to bed & tried to guess what time it was. Our guesses were 12:45 & 1:15. Actual time? 9:45!! G'night!

Day Two:
6:56 Kaylie is wide awake and ready to play
7:30 Coffee & hot chocolate in front of the fire, talking about how to spend our day
8:00 Thanksgiving menu & shopping list complete
8:30 Mark's chopping wood, I start breakfast, Kaylie's having a "Hannah Montana moment"
9:00 Pancakes & Bacon! Mmmmmm
9:30 The big spiders are warming up and coming out to visit. Yikes.
9:35 Fear Factor: Are you brave enough to shower at the cabin? YES WE ARE!
10:00 Games & puzzles
10:45 Kaylie declares "I'm going to eat snow!" We're off to Crystal.
11:00 How can I be this surprised, every year, at how cold snow is? Brrrr!
1:00 Back to the cabin after snow & river play
1:20 More tortilla soup
2:00 Nap on the couch while Mark and K play upstairs
4:45 Heading home!

November 20, 2008

My Brave Girl

Today Kaylie got her flu shot, and she was the bravest girl in the world. No tears, no yelling, just sheer bravery (and a few seconds of lower lip quivering). I think it was harder on me than it was on her. Of course, as everyone knows, after you have a shot you get to have ice cream, so tonight Mark and Kaylie went to the store to pick out the ice cream and had a little "Brave Girl Party". I am so very proud of her!

The Real Reason Earplugs Were Invented

Walking the Clear Creek Trail

Last weekend we walked the Clear Creek Trail in Silverdale. It was a gorgeous fall afternoon and we had a great time.

We even met some new cow friends

In the end, it was a little too far for Kaylie to walk, so she hitched a ride.

November 03, 2008


This morning Kaylie and I put on our boots and did a little puddle jumping in the driveway - a favorite sport of K's. I think monkey pajamas and polka dot boots make a fantastic outfit!

Hangin' out with Dad

November 01, 2008

It's a Hughes Halloween!

The Kiddos on the way to trick or treat

Boba Fet Josh, Power Ranger Chris, and Imperial Clone Gabe
